제 7회, 8회 통일 골든벨 퀴즈대회 (하와이-괌-사이판 온라인)

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The Unification Golden Bell was first started in Hawaii in 2005 by the 12th Term of the NUAC Hawaii Chapter. The focus of this program is on disseminating positive perceptions of unification to young Koreans and sharing a vision of realizing peace and prosperity on the Korean peninsula. Currently, this event is known as the Tong-il Golden Bell, an educational awareness program highlighting Korean culture, traditions, and history to bring awareness of unification issues to overseas Korean communities. In 2007, the NUAC Hawaii Chapter received the Presidential Award (from Korea) for leading this project.
The 19th Term NUAC Hawaii’s Tong-il Golden Bell in 2020 was held online, by a virtual format due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The 2020 virtual format was extremely meaningful as students from Hawaii, Guam, and Saipan were still able to participate through “Zoom”. Additionally, the Tong-il Golden Bell Finals contributed greatly to taking steps toward spreading a peaceful unification message by bringing young generations of Korean from different places together for this online competition. Park, Min Joo, A Participant from Guam won the local competition and 3rd place at the National competition.

제 7회 통일 골든벨 퀴즈대회